This foundational training course focuses on two critical aspects of the oil and gas industry: flow measurement and gas compression. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key principles, techniques, and equipment used in these areas, essential for ensuring efficient and safe operations in the production, transportation, and distribution of gas.
The program is ideal Operators I , Operators II, Supervisory and Middle management level personnel who operating and /or supervising oil & gas production facilities. This course is suitable for Operating personal from refineries, gas plant and LNG operation whose responsibilities include safe and efficient operation practices in oil and gas operation
Fundamentals of Hydrocarbon Process- Oil and Gas production and process, Oil and Gas treatment.
Process Variables - Flow, Pressure, Temperature, and Level.
Sensing element, Transmitter, controller, control valve. Process control fundamentals.
Fundamentals Gas Measurement:-Flow rate, definition, Units, Mass flow rate, volumetric flow rate, SI and MKS units, conversion of units.
Flow Measurement- Flow sensing devices
Direct flow measuring devices– Orifice plate, Venturi tube, Pitot tube. Design, construction and operation Relation between flow and pressure.
Indirect flow meters: - Impeller meter, Turbine flow meter, Vortex meter, design, construction and operation
Variable area flow meters, Electrical flow meters, Magnetic flow meters - Design, construction and operation
Gas/liquid fuel measurement: equipment and calculation methods
Orifice Plate
Basic Principle, Design, construction, Flow rate calculations, various examples.
Orifice factors (Basic calculation- Meter Data and Fluid Data)
Design of orifice plate based on maximum expected flow rate and maximum range factor, bore size design.
Daniel Orifice, Orifice plate calibration.
Practical review of P&ID for orifice plate flow measurement.
Metering skid:-Gas flow measurement and Crude oil measurement. Custody Transfer meters, point of transfer of custody, LACT.
Flow Meter accuracy and integrity, meter prover, Meter proving stations,
Practical review of meter skid and Meter proving system using P&ID.
Sampling and Quality
Analysis and verification of GOR and sampling test results. Calculation of specific gravity, molecular weight and gross/net heating values. Sampling procedure for gas and condensate and type of containers to be used (Basics of Measurements and Sampling)
Various case studies, practical examples, P&ID reviews.
End of program assessment and certificate distribution.
Up on finishing the course candidates are able to through knowledge of the working principle of Gas measurement and flow measurement, various flow meters and its design and construction. Candidates will get detailed knowledge of metering skid and Meterprover system. They are able to demonstrate their skills in safety, safeguard, start up and shut down procedures of distillation columns.
They will understand how to make sampling and other laboratory calculations for part of their daily routing jobs.
Pre & Post Tests will be conducted
Case Studies, Individual & Group Exercises, Project works (making in to groups), Role plays, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions, and motivate everybody find the right answers. The delegates will also be encouraged to raise their own questions and to share in the development of the right answers using their own analysis and experiences.
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