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Course Details

Basic Pump Technology

Dubai, UAE
From Date: 20-Oct-2025   
To Date: 24-Oct-2025
5 days
Mechanical Engineering

Pumps Troubleshooting means to find the root cause behind the problems or failures of the pump. Troubleshooting is a complete exercise involves number of activities that need to be practiced carefully and accurately for the troubleshooting to be successful. A good monitoring system, enough instrumentations, adequate data recording system, expert edition process of the accumulated data, right technique and analysis, need to be available. Of course troubleshooter must be deeply understand and familiar with the machine he is troubleshooting, the design, operation, oil systems, flushing systems, bearings, balancing systems, type of mechanical seals, and the application.

The course will discuss all aspects concerning pumps, familiar the participant with the details of pumps, different designs, application, operation, maintenance and potential problems and their possible root causes, and methods of eliminating or reducing the failure causes, methods analysis to find out the root causes of failures, and methods of curing such problems. A successful troubleshooting method increase the uptime of machines, increase the profitability of the plant, and assure more safety for machines and personnel and minimize the cost of maintenance. will discuss different aspects of pipeline pigging and its different applications for the pipelines.     

  • Deep understanding of the pumps’ different designs for different applications
  • Familiarize the participants with different auxiliary systems for pumps, oil system, mechanical seals, flushing systems, balancing systems and alike
  • Learn the performance, limit of operations and common causes of failures of pumps
  • Learn methods of failure analysis, like oil analysis, vibration measurements, etc…
  • Learn the principles and elements of troubleshooting methodology
  • Learn the appropriate strategy of maintenance 

Exercise the troubleshooting on real cases 


The course is designed for plant safety specialists, maintenance engineers and technicians, maintenance planners, system engineers and operators in the power generation, oil, chemical, paper and other processing industries involved in pumps selection, specification, procurement, inspection, troubleshooting or repair. Mechanical and operation engineers and senior technicians who are responsible for specifying, selecting, operating, and troubleshooting and maintaining pumps.




Day One

  1. Pumps: Performance, Control and Operation

Manufacturer Characteristic Curves

            How to obtain pump performance curves experimentally

            How to calculate pump performance curves operated at different speed

How to calculate pump performance curves for different impeller size

How to correct pump characteristics for fluid viscosity

Effect of suction conditions on pump characteristics

Positive displacement pumps Metering Feature

Limits of Operation

ISO and ASME characteristic curves

            Preferred range of operation

            Allowable range of Operation

            Pump cavitation, NPSHR

                        Pumps minimum flow rate limit

Pumps Controls

            Pump and System interaction

            Variation of operating conditions

            Protective controls

            Capacity control

            Modification by speed variation

            Modification by valve positioning


Day Two

  1. Pumps: Selection, Standards, and Specifications

Pumps Standards:

            ANSI, HI, API, ASME, ISO standards

            How standards differ

            Standards tolerances

Pumps Application

            Boiler Feed Pumps

                        Pump capacity, suction conditions, and discharge pressure

            Condensate Pumps

                        Extremely low NPSHA

            Water works

                        Ground and surface water sources

            Petroleum refinery service pumps (API-610)

Production, transportation and refining, high degree of standardization

            Chemical pumps

The widest variety of pumping problems, corrosive and corrosive-abrasive liquids

            Paper stock and process pumps

                        Similar to chemical pumps, non-clogging impellers

            Sewage and waste water

                        Submersible pumps

            Food and beverage sanitary pumps

                        Cleanliness and Contamination problems and Dispensing

            Air conditioning and refrigeration pumps

                        Sodium chloride and calcium chloride brines

The piping system to serve

            System Head curve

                        How to calculate friction loss

            Suction system configurations, NPSHA

                        How to calculate NPSHA

Pumps ratings

            Head, Capacity and Power

            Manufacturer Data

                        How to read through the manufacturer catalogues

            Manufacturer Selector Chart

Specifications and inquiries

            Preparing pump inquiries

            Inquiries for specific services

                        Water works services

                        Chemical services

                        Petroleum services


Day Three

  1. Pumps: Design, Materials and Seals

Types of Pumps

            Positive displacement pumps

            Rotary Pumps

            Dispensing Pumps

                        Metering Feature

            Centrifugal pumps

            Axial flow pumps

            Multistage pumps

Special design pumps

            Vertical pumps

            Seal-less magnetic drive pumps

            Submersible wastewater pumps

            Multi-phase pumps

Pumps fittings

            Standard fitted pump

            All bronze, all iron, acid-resisting and salt water pumps

Material Selection, pH value, and galvanic corrosion

Mechanical seal selection

            Single seals

            Double seals

            Cartridge seals

            Dry gas seals

Seal flush and circulation plans


Day Four

  1. Pumps: Failure Analysis, Troubleshooting and Maintenance 

The six sigma problem solving method ‘DMAIC’

(Development, Measurement, Analysis, Improvement, and Control Phases)

Pump condition monitoring

            Vibration Analysis

                        Vibration severity charts

            The head-Flow Method

                        Shut-off Head Method

            Thermodynamic Method

            Balance Flow Measurement

Reasons for Failures


                        Mechanical seal

                        Shaft deflection

                        Lubrication system

                        Balancing system 


                        Reduced NPSH

                        Low flow operation


                        Parallel flow operation

            Maintenance Strategies

                        Preventive Maintenance

                        Predictive Maintenance

                        Proactive Maintenance


Day Five

  1. Case Studies
    1. system resistance reduction
    2. system resistance increase
    3. pump internal wear
    4. pump internal leakage
    5. pump foundation deterioration
    6. cavitation effect
    7. erosion and corrosion effect
    8. wearing ring problem


  1. Delegates case studies

Each group supposes to bring with them their own cases in order to analyze them and come up with the root cause behind the failure. The case should be supported with the necessary documents: the pump catalogue, the piping system, the type of service, the description of the problem, and the measurement carried out.



Pre & Post Tests will be conducted

Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.




Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.


A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions, and motivate everybody find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your own questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your own analysis and experiences.  Tests of multiple-choice type will be made available on daily basis to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.

Very useful Course Materials will be given.

  • 30% Lectures
  • 30% Workshops and work presentation
  • 20% Group Work& Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos& General Discussions
$5,500 per participant for Public Training. Fees Includes Course Materials/ Handouts, Tea/Coffee, refreshments, and Lunch

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