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  • +971 2 626 44 55

Course Details


Dubai, UAE
From Date: 13-Oct-2025   
To Date: 17-Oct-2025
5 days

The Gas and Liquid Contracts that exist (or are being negotiated) will determine the objectives of the processes that you will have to incorporate into any new facility and how you have to operate any existing facility. There exists a variety of processes that will condition your Natural Gas and Hydrocarbon Liquids to satisfy the Contract requirements. The objective of this course is to make you aware of the options available to you so that you can evaluate all the processes that will satisfy your objective to determine which particular process is the best from a capitol cost and operating cost perspective.


Upon completion of this course, you will gain knowledge of the processes available to process your Natural Gas and Hydrocarbon Liquid Products


This course is designed for project managers, plant managers, plant supervisors, technical staff, and contractor personnel involved in project planning, process selection and operation of Natural Gas Production. The greatest benefit arises from considering all the processes that will accomplish your process requirements to determine which one is the best for your particular application from a capital cost and operating cost perspective. You will also be able to see which processes are available to you to de-bottleneck or modify existing processes. The practical techniques and examples provide useful insights that are valuable at any stage of project execution and operation.


Gas & Liquid Process Selection

Contract Terms

Basic Consideration

Gas Contracts

?         Quantity

?         Quality

o        Heating Value

o        Sulphur Content

o        Maximum Temperature

o        Water Content (H2O Dewpoint)

o        Hydrocarbon Dewpoint (HCDP)

o        Other (N2, He, Ar, CO2, Hg, O2)

Liquid Contracts

?         Commercial Ethane

?         Commercial Propane

?         Commercial Butane

?         Butane-Propane Mixes (LPG)

?         Propane HD-5

?         Natural Gasoline

Overall Production System

Solution Gas

Associated Gas

 Non-Associated Gas

Gas Processing Module

Gas Conditioning Module

?         H2O Removal (Dehydration)

?         H2S & CO2 Removal (Gas Sweetening)

?         Nitrogen Removal

?         Mercury Removal

?         Oxygen Removal

NGL Extraction Module

?         Products

?         Absorption (Lean Oil)

?         Adsorption (HRU)

?         Condensation

o        Mechanical Refrigeration

o        Mixed Refrigerants

o        Turbo Expander

o        Twister

o        JT Refrigeration

  • Stabilization Module
  • Product Treating Module

Characterization of Natural Gas & it’s Products

Physical Properties of Pure Components

 Ideal Gas Laws

?         Boyle’s Law

?         Charles’ Law

?         Avogadro’s Principle

?         Dalton’s Law

?         Combined Ideal Gas Law

Physical Properties of Mixtures

Equations of State

?         Van der Waals

?         Redlich-Kwong (RK)

?         Soave Redlich-Kwong (SRK)

?         Peng Robinson (PR)

?         Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS)

Thermodynamic Properties

?         Entropy

?         Enthalpy

Equilibrium Ratio (K Value)


Types of Separators

?         Horizontal

?         Vertical

?         Spherical

?         Centrifugal

?         Cyclone

o        Reverse Flow

o        Axial Flow

o        Recycling

?         Filter

?         Liquid Coalescer

Water Vapour Removal (H2O Dewpoint Control)

Water Content

?         HC Liquids

?         Natural Gas

?         Effect of H2S & CO2

Hydrate Formation Temperature

?         Effect of Propane

?         Effect of H2S & CO2

CaCl2 Dehydrators

MeOH Injection

EG Injection


TEG Dehydration

Solid Desiccant Dehydration 

HCDP Control

Adsorption (HRU’s)

?         2 TOC

?         2 TCC

?         3 TOC

?         3 TCC

?         3 TOC w/TGC

?         3 TCC w/TGC

?         Purge Cycle

JT Refrigeration

?         LTX

?         LTS

Mechanical Refrigeration

?         Variations


Refrigeration Compressors

?         Compression Cycle

?         Single Stage

?         Single Stage w/Economizer

?         Two Stage

?         Types

?         Drivers 

Gas Sweetening


Safety Precautions

Types of Contaminants

Process Selection

Chemical Reaction Processes

?         Amines

o        Chemistry

o        Typical PFD

o        General Considerations

o        Amines Used (MEA, DEA, DGA, MDEA, TEA, DIPA, Formulated Solvents)

o        Control Variable

?         Caustic Wash

o        Chemistry

NGL Extraction

Low Temperature Mechanical Refrigeration

JT Refrigeration

Refrigerated JT Expansion

 Adsorption (Lean Oil)

Turbo Expander

?         Typical PFD

?         Solid CO2 Formation

?         Solid Desiccant Dehydrator

?         Inlet Compression

?         Gas/Gas Exchangers

?         Expander

?         Re-Compressor

?         De-Methanizer

Gas to Liquids

Sulphur Recovery

Claus Plan

Modified Claus Plants

?         Typical PFD – 3 Stage

?         Process Considerations

?         Mechanical Considerations

?         Instrumentation

Tail Gas Clean-up

?         Incineration

?         Super Claus 99

?         Super Claus 99.5

?         SCOT

Liquid Redox



Pre & Post Tests will be conducted

Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.





Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.


A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your analysis and experiences.  Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available daily to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.

Very useful Course Materials will be given.

  • 30% Lectures
  • 30% Workshops and work presentation
  • 20% Group Work& Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos& General Discussions
• $5,500 per participant for Public Training includes Materials/Handouts, tea/coffee breaks, refreshments & Lunch

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