In this course the various thermal and membrane desalination technologies in practice will be covered; Multi-Stage Desalination (MSF), Multi-Effect Distillation (MED), Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC), Thermal Vapor Compression (TVC), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Electro dialysis (ED). The basic principles, material and thermal analysis, equipment used, and current practice for each of the desalination processes will be discussed. The course will give the major design equations. Problems facing each process such as corrosion, energy consumption, fouling and scaling will be presented. Energy and economic comparison among the different desalination processes will be given.
This seminar is aimed at engineers, scientists and technologists involved in the planning, management and operation of water desalination technology and also for manufacturers, consultants, designers, researchers, water personnel, Water treatment ,boiler plant operators and supervisors, responsible for plant utilities, energy conservation and environmental engineers; managers and operators for industrial processes using steam and/or cooling water; managers and operators of combined cycle generating plants; technical representatives for chemical treatment and service companies; technical representatives for companies.
Section 1:
Water Resources & Properties (Water Chemistry parameters).
Saline water characteristics, Optimization of sea water intake
Analyzing quality of desalinated water
Section 2:
Heat & Mass Transfer associated with thermal desalination.
Section 3:
Water Desalination technologies. (Brief description of all type of
Desalination plant Focus in Thermal Compressor Distillate TCD.
MED, MED-TVC; Fundamentals, Main Components, Configurations
Section 4:
Working Principle and its Auxiliary System of Thermal compressor
Distillate TCD.
Section 5:
Common Chemical been Used, and it function for Thermal.
Compressor Distillate TCD (AS general)
Section 6:
Start up, shut down& Trouble shooting of Thermal compressor
Distillate TCD (AS General discussion).
Section 7:
Thermal Vapor Compression Process Technologies (TVC)
Section 8:
MED-TVC Performance
Section 9:
Combined Heat, Power and MED-TVC
Section 10:
Scaling, Fouling & Corrosion
Section 11:
Material Selection and Lifetime Expectancy
Section 12:
Operation and Maintenance of MED-TVC
Section 13:
Process Comparison with respect to primary energy
Section 14:
Post Treatment Technologies
Pre & Post Tests will be conducted
Case Studies, Group Discussions, Last Day Review, Assessments will be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your analysis and experiences. Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available daily to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.
Very useful Course Materials will be given.
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