• info at definetraining.com
  • +971 2 626 44 55

Course Details


London, UK
From Date: 07-Jul-2025   
To Date: 11-Jul-2025
5 days

This course will include various reserve estimating methodologies, classifications, and definitions of these reserves and resources, along with a guideline for the application of these definitions will be covered.  PRMS, SPE, WPC, AAPG, SEC, and other regulatory authority guidelines will be discussed. Following the completion of this course, all participants should be able to use deterministic and probabilistic methods, to gain a thorough understanding of various reserve levels and their equivalence in both systems.


After completing the training, the employee will:

  1. To review principles of reservoir characterization and reserves evaluation. 
  2. To learn about the main concepts of risk and uncertainty management. 
  3. To learn about integrating risks and uncertainties into reserves evaluation - static uncertainties, dynamic uncertainties, geostatistical modeling, etc.

This course is for anyone who works closely with the generating and reporting of reserves, and for those who make or use resource estimates for business decisions.


Day -1

  • Introduction:
    • Standardization Entities, Resources, Field Life Cycle & Classification framework.
  • Estimating recoverable quantities: Analytical procedures (Analog, Volumetric & Production Performance), Deterministic and probable methods (Aggregation Methods, Probabilistic and deterministic methods).

Day -2

  • Deterministic & Probabilistic Method (Cont. D)

Pitfalls, Arithmetic or Dependent Summation, Probabilistic or Independent Summation, Aggregating over resource classes, and Scenario methods.

  • Normalization & Standardization of Volumes.
  • Seismic Estimation of Reserves & Resources: Introduction, Uncertainty in Seismic Predictions.
  • Unconventional Resources Estimation: Risk & Uncertainty, Reservoir & Hydrocarbon Characteristics, Tight gas,
  • Unconventional Resources: Coal-Bed Methane, Global Potential, Exploration & Development Considerations,


Day – 3

  • Reserve Calculation: Favorable Properties for Oil Recovery, Favorable Properties for
    Gas Recovery.
  • Rock Properties: Rock Property Measurement Methods, Porosity, Permeability, Saturations, Net-Pay Thickness.
  • Volumetric Reserves Estimation: What are reserves? Reserve uncertainty, Volumetric Estimates of Oil Reserves, Inputs to Volumetric Reserves, Examples and Exercises, Volumetric Estimate of Gas Reserves, Recovery Factors of Gas Reservoirs, and Exercises.

Day – 4

  • Material Balance (MB): MB Applications, Basic theory and concepts, Material balance analysis, Volumetric oil reservoirs, Volumetric gas reservoirs, Aquifer driven reservoirs.
  • Fluids & Rock Properties, MB Equation, Reservoir Pore Volume, Change in Reservoir Oil Volume, Change in Free Gas Volume, Change in Reservoir Water Volume.
  • MB Analysis: Data Requirements, Data Preparation, Black Oil MB, Gas Reservoir MB, Common Pitfalls.
  • Gas Reservoir Fluid Models: Volumetric Dry Gas Reservoir, Volumetric Wet Gas Reservoir, Straight Line Analysis Technique, Common Pitfalls.

Day – 5

  • Conventional Decline Curve Analysis: Why Decline Curve Analysis? What Can Change the Trend?
  • The Arps Equation, Hyperbolic Exponent, Required Plots, Hyperbolic Decline, Exponential Decline.
  • Harmonic Decline, Nominal & Effective Decline, Harmonic Decline Solution, Examples, Production Forecast.
  • Hyperbolic Decline Solution, Forecast, Examples, Abandonment Forecast.




Pre & Post Tests will be conducted.

Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review, and assessments will be carried out.




Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.


A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your analysis and experiences.  Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available daily to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.

Very useful Course Materials will be given.

  • 30% Lectures
  • 30% Workshops and work presentation
  • 20% Group Work& Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos& General Discussions
• $6,500 per participant for Public Training includes Materials/Handouts, tea/coffee breaks, refreshments & Lunch

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