The course will review the basic requirements of the ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. Topics include: design conditions, pipe sizing, pressure design, flexibility analysis, material, fabrication, examination, testing, and mechanical integrity for existing piping systems, as provided in API 570 Piping Inspection Code.
Engineers and Technicians of mechanical, and chemical engineering background will benefit largely from this workshop. Maintenance, Operation, inspection, and R and D People should also attend this course.
The Following Topics will be covered in this course over five days
Basics of Piping
Pipe Dimensions and Schedule number
Pipe Manufacturing Methods
Welded and Seamless Pipes
Pipe Drawing Symbols
Types of pipes – application wise
Standard pipe
Pressure pipe
Line pipe
Piping Materials
Chemical properties
Mechanical properties
Physical properties
Property stability
Classification of steel
Steel heat treating practices
Aging of properties
Piping Codes and Standards
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
ASME B31: Code for pressure piping
API Specifications (Spec), Recommended Practices (RP), and Standards (Std.)
Spec. 5L-90: Specification for Line Pipe
American Welding Society - AWS Welding Handbook
Pipeline Design
1. Design Parameters
Maximum Operating Pressure
Flow Rate of Oil or Gas
Delivery Pressure
Pressure Drop
Pumping Power
2. Failure Theories
3. Design Criteria
Maximum Allowable Stress
Maximum Allowable Pressure
Construction Factor
4. Steel Selection
5. Pipe Sizing
Pipe Diameter
6. Pipe thickness calculation
Pipe Schedule
Pump and Compressor Stations
Originating and booster Stations
Pump Selection
Parallel and Series Operation
Pipeline Installation
Off-shore and on-shore installations
Welding Techniques
Welding Processes
Welding Procedures
Weld Passes
Inspection and Testing
Visual Inspection
Non-Destructive Testing
Class designation
Hydrostatic testing
Pigging for Cleaning and Monitoring
Types of Pigs
Monitoring Internal Corrosion
Pipe Repair
Buried pipelines
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection
Pipe Coating
Stress Analysis
Flexibility Analysis Methods
Flexibility Analysis Demonstration
Equipment Load Limits
Cold Spring
Elastic Follow-up
Fluid Service Requirements
Pre & Post Tests will be conducted
Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review &Assessments will
be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your analysis and experiences. Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available daily to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.
Very useful Course Materials will be given.
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