Pumps and compressors are essential components in almost all industries in that they are required to meet system demands and operate reliably. Failure to meet these requirements can have significant production (and hence cost) impacts.
Keeping these machines running with least troubles and shutdown decreases the downtime of the whole system. Right machine selection appropriate to the right application, right machine operation, effective maintenance programs, reliable monitoring system, and skilled personnel capable of doing the right trouble shooting are essential requirements for prolong machine life. All the above can be achieved via deeper understanding of the machine’s construction and tolerances, the limits and constraints on their operation, and the more effective controlling methods.
By attending this course, you will gain an understanding of the characteristics of various types of Reciprocating Rotary pumps and compressors and their components. The course will provide engineers and technicians with information for the optimal selection, operation and maintenance of positive displacement pumps as well as positive displacement and dynamic compressors.
Supervisors, Engineers & Facility/Utility engineers, Technicians, Operating Personnel or anyone require a working level knowledge of pumps & compressors.
1. Positive displacement pumps
1.1 External gear pumps
1.2 Internal gear pumps
1.3 Archimedes screw pumps
1.4 Twin-rotor screw pumps
1.5 Triple-rotor and 5-rotor screw pumps
1.6 Twin-rotor geared-screw pumps
1.7 Progressive cavity pumps
1.8 Lobe pumps (including circumferential piston pumps)
1.9 Vane pumps
1.10 Peristaltic pumps (including rotary peristaltic pumps)
1 .11 Rotary eccentric piston pumps
1 .12 Axial and radial piston pumps
1 .13 Inline piston pumps
1 .14 Descaling pumps
1 .15 Plunger pumps (includes horizontal and vertical)
1 .16 Syringe pumps
1 5.17 Diaphragm pumps (includes mechanical and hydraulic actuation)
1.18 Air-operated double-diaphragm pumps
1.19 Metering pumps (flow within + 0.1% to + 3% with substantial DP changes)
1.20 Direct-acting reciprocating pumps (includes pneumatic, hydraulic and steam actuation)
1.21 Non-metallic positive displacement pumps
1.22 Seal less positive displacement pumps.
1.23 Hydraulic motors
2. Pump theory
2.1 Positive displacement pumps
2.1.1 Rotary positive displacement pump theory
2.1.2 Reciprocating positive displacement pump theory
2.1.3 Positive displacement pump curves
2.1.4 Classification of positive displacement pumps by application
2.1.5 Classification of other pump types by application
3. Pumps and piping systems
3.1 Pump hydraulic data
3.1.1 Hydraulic tolerances General Rotodynamic pumps Positive displacement pumps
3.1.2 Pump H and Q at maximum efficiency QMAX
3.1.3 Minimum pump flow Devices for obtaining a minimum flow
3.2 Water hammer
3.2 .1 Hydraulic gradient
3.2 .2 Causes of water hammer
3.2.3 Pump behavior after power loss
3.3 Pressure pulsations
3.3.1 Rotodynamic pumps
3.3 .2 Positive displacement pumps
4. Materials for pumps
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Typical materials
4.4 Corrosion and erosion
4.5 Abrasion resistant materials
4.6 Materials resistant to cavitation damage
4.7 Material selection
5. Process seals and sealing
5.1 Reciprocating rods
5.1.1 Lip seals
5.1.2 Soft packing
5.2 Process liquid seals for reciprocating rods
5.2.1 Operating principles
5.2.2 Design variations
5.2.3 Packing material
5.2.4 External systems
5.2.5 Maintenance
5.2.6 Troubleshooting
5.3 Process liquid seal selection
5.3.1 Process liquid
5.3.2 Size, speed and pressure
5.3.3 Local environment
5.4 Cost
5.5 Standardization
6. Ancillary equipment
6.1 Accumulators
6.2 Pulsation dampers
6.3 Instrumentation
7. Quality, inspection and testing
7.1 Corrosion resistance
7.2 Non-destructive testing
7.3 Repairs
7.4 Welding
7.5 Inspection
8. Installation and maintenance
8.1 Tanks, valves and sumps
8.2 Care and maintenance
8.2.1 General considerations
8.2.2 Commissioning
8.2.3 Care of equipment
8.2.4 Preventative maintenance
8.2.5 Trouble-shooting guides
8.2.6 Stocking spare parts
9. Pump selection
9.1 General operating conditions
9.1.1 Liquid properties and operating conditions
9.2 Selection of pump according to duty and capabilities
9.3 Selection of pump according to hydraulic performance
9.4 Pumps for liquid-solid mixtures
1. Introduction
1.1. What is a Compressor?
1.2. How Compressors work?
1.3. Compressor Classification and Type Selection
2. Different Types of Compressors
2.1. Dynamic Compressor Training
2.1.1. Ejector
2.1.2. Radial / Centrifugal
2.1.3. Axial
2.2. Positive Displacement Compressor Training
2.2.1. Rotary Compressor Sliding Vane Liquid Ring Screw Lobe (Roots)
2.2.2. Reciprocating Compressor Trunk type Crosshead Type
3. Detailed Description of Popular, Industrial Compressors
3.1. Operation Principle of Utility Air Compressors
3.1.1. Screw Compressor – Skid Mounted Principle of operation Control System and Lube oil circuit
3.1.2. V–Type, Trunk and Crosshead Compressor – Skid Mounted Multistage, Trunk and Crosshead, principle of operation Air and Cooling Circuit
3.1.3. Horizontal, Balanced, Opposed, Multistage Compressor
3.2. Operation Principle and Maintenance concepts of Process Gas Compressors
3.2.1. Double Acting, Single and Multi-Stage Reciprocating Compressor Principle of Operation Lubrication Crankcase Main Bearing / Con-rod Big End Bearing Cylinder and Packing Lubrication Crankcase / Crank Shaft / Connecting Rod / Crosshead Valves Compressor Piston, Piston Elements, Piston Rod Reversal,
Piston Runout and Piston End Clearances Stuffing Box and Rod Packing elements Compressor Cylinder Cooling System / Inter Cooling / After
Cooling Control System Compressor Capacity Controls Intake Unloader Valve Clearance Pocket Unloading
3.2.2. Centrifugal Compressors Centrifugal Compressor Working Principle Capacity Head Compressor Surge / Compressor Surging and Compressor Anti Surge Thrust Balancing Lube Oil System Seal Oil System Component Arrangement Sealing Arrangement Dry Gas Seal Bearing Arrangement
4. Troubleshooting & Maintenance
4.1 Principles of troubleshooting
4.1.1 Principles
4.1.2 Failure modes
4.1.3 Reasons of Failure Mechanical seals Bearings Shaft deflection Cavitation in pumps Surge in compressors
1. Causes of compressor surge
2. Surge and compressor performance
3. Anti-surge methods Statistics of more frequent troubles
5 Maintenance of Pumps and Compressors.
5.1 Maintenance strategies
5.2 Measuring methods
5.3. Monitoring and Data collection
5.3.1 Condition monitoring
5.3.2 Vibration.
Pre & Post Tests will be conducted
Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your analysis and experiences. Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available daily to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.
Very useful Course Materials will be given.
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