Corrosion and fouling problems occur in the petroleum refinery in various processes and operations. The magnitude of a petroleum refinery unit and the complexity of the processes are such that a wide variety of equipment types can be subject to corrosion and fouling depending on the process. Some refinery equipment types are more vulnerable to corrosion and fouling than others usually due to their role in the process. Uncontrolled corrosion in petroleum refineries can cause the release of hazardous substances and components or can reduce both the performance and reliability of equipment until their failure. As such, corrosion hazards can put at risk the safety and well?being of plant employees and the general public as well as lead to severe damage to process units, and in some cases shutdown of refinery operations.
In petroleum refineries, many processes are subject to problems with heavy fouling that affect overall plant performance and profitability. Operating costs associated with fouling in refinery heat exchangers typically include increased fuel needs, increased pumping power, and reduced throughput and capacity of produced products. Estimates have been made of fouling costs, due primarily to wasted energy caused by excessive fuel use, that are as high as 0.25% of the gross national product of the industrialized countries.
Refinery engineers, technologists, operators, inspectors, corrosion professionals and chemists
By the end of the course, participants should become able to:
Introduction to corrosion, Low-temperature corrosion mechanisms, High-temperature corrosion mechanisms, fouling overview, specific fouling problems, Refinery chemicals – corrosion inhibitors and antifoulants, Corrosion monitoring and prevention, Problem-solving, and case studies. Unit-specific corrosion information – Desalter, Crude Unit, Vacuum Unit, FCC, Amine Unit, Reformer, Hydrotreater, Hydrocracker, Pemex Unit, Sour water stripper, Vis Breaker, Low-Pressure Coking, Merox Unit, Surfoplane Unit, HF Alkylation.
Day One
1-Significance of corrosion & fouling petroleum refining industry
2-Refinery feedstock
3-Refinery products
4-Refinery processes
5-Refinery equipment
6-Metallurgy of refinery-specific process equipment
Day Two
7-Introduction to corrosion fundamentals
8-Forms of corrosion
9-Corrosion of refinery-specific equipment
10-Damage mechanisms
11-Group Discussion-Applicable API 579 standard for damage mechanisms
Day Three
12-Introduction to fouling
13-Types of fouling
14-Fouling influencing factors
15-Fouling diagnosis
16-Refinery-specific process unit fouling problems
17-Case Study-Refinery fouling problem
Day Four
18-Refinery corrosion inhibitors injection in specific process units
19-Refinery corrosion monitoring in specific process units
20-Group Discussion-Applicable NACE standards for weight loss coupons
21-Case Study-Refinery corrosion monitoring
Day Five
22-Refinery fouling detection and monitoring in specific process units
23-Refinery fouling mitigation control and removal in specific process units
24-Fouling control by chemical treatment (antifoulants)
25-Mechanical methods for fouling removal
26-Chemical cleaning
27-Environmental and safety impact
Pre-& Post Tests will be conducted.
Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Reviews, and assessments will be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lecture and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information, knowledge and experience transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivate everybody to find the right answers. The attendants will also be encouraged to raise more of their own questions and to share developing the right answers using their own analysis and experience.
All attendees receive a course manual as a reference.
This interactive training workshop includes the following training methodologies.
30% Lectures
30% Workshops and work presentation
20% Group Work& Practical Exercises
20% Videos& General Discussions
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