Successful well drilling requires different considerations, interdisciplinary planning, and special techniques. Casing, cementing and fluid flow are very useful subjects outstanding drilling well implementation and production duration thereafter. This 5-day course addresses the critical need for a proper understanding of all aspects of casing and cementing operations. Casing manufacture and casing properties as well as casing design is more useful for oil well engineering. A combined practical and technical theme is employed, with emphasis on economy and efficiency in running and cementing these casing. Participants develop an appreciation for choosing casing scheme and cement properties for oil wells for successful long-life production.
The course is designed to give an overview of the basic fundamentals of oil and gas well drilling. It introduces rig types; onshore and offshore, rig components, drilling tools and their specifications and selection procedures. It also introduces rig systems, as well as drilling operations and drilling fluids. It also deals with drilling problems and their remedies. It helps attendants to understand the drilling rigs, tools, drilling operations and drilling problems. The main objective of this course is to make the attendees familiar with all casing terminologies, inform them about the basic requirement of casing design and train them to design actual cases of some given wells. Also, major problems such as salt collapse will be introduced, and remedies process will be shown.
Roustabouts, Floor-men, Derrick-men, Assistant Drillers, Drillers, Tool-pushers, OIM's, Chief Electricians, Chief Mechanics, Drilling Engineers, Project Engineers, and Operation Engineers.
Pre & Post Tests will be conducted.
Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.
Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.
A highly interactive combination of lectures and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information and knowledge transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions and motivating everybody to find the right answers. You will also be encouraged to raise your own questions and to share in the development of the right answers using your own analysis and experiences. Tests of the multiple-choice type will be made available on a daily basis to examine the effectiveness of delivering the course.
Very useful Course Materials will be given.
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