• info at definetraining.com
  • +971 2 626 44 55

Course Details

Oil Spill IMO I, II, III

Paris, France
From Date: 20-Jan-2025   
To Date: 24-Jan-2025
5 days

The course focuses on and provides in-depth knowledge and skills for on-site first response to Oil Spills with emphasis on Combating various Recovery technologies and Clean –up methods.


After completing the training, the employee will:

  • Understand oil behavior when spill & hazard associated and combating techniques as per IMO classifying level l, ll, lll. This course will be tailored for each instance based on the target attendees.

This course is designed for all technicians or supervisors who will participate in oil spill response teams or manage logistics and waste disposal in the field.

  1. Introduction to Oil Spill

2. Source of Oil Spill

3. The major Oil Spill Incident

  • Exxon Valdez Incident
  • Erika
  • Prestige
  • Gulf of Mexico

(Video movies)


4. Impact of Oil Spill on the Environmental Resources

5. Oil spill behavior and Migration

6. Tier Response

      • Tier I
      • Tier II
      • Tier III

7. Oil Spill Contingency Plan

        • Introduction to the plan
        • Definitions
        • Objectives

8. Oil Spill Combating Strategies

  • Natural Dispersion
  • Mechanical Removal (Video movies)
  • Chemical Dispersion (Video movies)
  • Granting Standard Approval for the use of Dispersant


9. Notification plan and reporting

10. Management of Oil Spill Contingency Plan (Video movies)

      • Crisis Management Team
      • Training, Awareness and Drills
      • Communication
      • Control Room


11. Drill and Exercise

  1. Shoreline Cleaning and Waste Management




Day 1


Session 1

Introduction to the course


Introduction to Oil Spill


Source of Oil Spill


Oil properties (viscosity, density, flash point, sp.gr., boiling point, solubility, etc.)


Session 2

Oil Spill Incidents statistics


Major oil spill incidents

Exxon Valdez. Erika, Prestige, Gulf of Mexico


Video movies for Exxon Valdez & Erika Incidents


Session 3

Fate of oil slick


Oil spill migration


Assessment the slick drift


Day 2


Session 1

Session 2

Effect of Oil Spill on Marine and Coastal Resources

(Coral reefs, ports, fishing farms, marine animal, seaweed cultivation, fishing, etc.)

Session 3

Video movies for Erika Incident


Day 3



Containment of Oil Spill (BOOMS)

  • Types of booms
  • Physical properties of booms
  • Deployment of booms

Session 2

Video movies for booms deployment


Session 3

Recovery of Oil Spill Technologies:

  • Suction devices
  • Oleophelic Skimmers
  • Induction devices
  • Pumps
  • Vacuum trucks




Day 4


Session 1

  • Manual recovery
  • Oil Storage tanks
  • Sorbents
  • Safety precautions

Session 2

Video movies for Recovery systems

Session 3

  • Usage of dispersant for Oil spill combating

Video movies for Dispersants application


Day 5


Session 1

Oil Spill Contingency Planning and Response

  • Introduction to OSCP
  • Management of OSCP
  • Tired Response (Tire I, II, and III)
  • Tin-Situ burning

Session 2

Waste Management System

Video movies for Waste Management Systems

Session 3

Training, Drills and Exercises



At the end of the course, participants shall have knowledge of:

  • Overview of Oil Spill
  • Oil Spill behavior and its effect on environment
  • Major oil spill incidents
  • Containment and recovery equipment and technologies
  • Dispersant
  • Contingency planning and response


Pre-& Post Tests will be conducted.

Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review and assessments will be carried out.







Define Management Consultants Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.


This course combines sound engineering, operation and maintenance principles, applicable standards, and best industry practices for reliable and cost-effective process plant systems. Delegates will be encouraged to introduce problems of their own for discussion and analysis. Copies of all lecture materials, case studies, and workbooks will be provided.

Group discussions will be carried out on problems faced.  This training program is lecture-based and customized to the needs of the audience, providing meaningful experience for personnel that work in petroleum plants. Daily sessions include formal presentations, prepared in the PowerPoint, interspersed with directed discussions and case study. In addition to formal lectures and discussions, the delegates will learn by active participation through the use of problem-solving exercises, group discussions, analysis of real-life case studies etc. Many relevant videos will be shown during the training.

All attendees receive a course manual as a reference.

  • 30% Lectures
  • 30% Workshops and work presentation
  • 20% Group Work& Practical Exercises
  • 20% Videos& General Discussions
• $6,500 per participant for Public Training includes Materials/Handouts, tea/coffee breaks, refreshments & Lunch

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