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Course Details

Best Practice In Sewage & Industrial Waste Water Treatment & Environmental Protection

Dubai, UAE
From Date: 15-Dec-2025   
To Date: 19-Dec-2025
5 days
Process Engineering, Water Desalination & Chemical Engineering

The quality of groundwater used cannot be compromised any longer and the servicing requirements of on-site sewage disposal systems cannot be ignored. With limited funds available to you - the private owner or regulatory agency that has responsibility for inspection, the task of on-site sewage treatment and disposal is becoming very difficult.

Industrial wastewater dischargers face a variety of enforcement actions if they are not in compliance with the USA Clean Water Act.  This is the case if the discharger is a direct industrial discharger, or is an indirect discharger into a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW).  This course covers the regulations that affect the management of industrial wastewater permitting, effluent guidelines, and associated issues.


This course will cover all aspects of sewage and industrial waste treatment process. It will cover planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance of the modern sewage and effluent treatment plants. Further, this course will cover all aspects of Environmental Protection in Industrial Plants .

With limited funds available to the owners we believe this course will help you to install an effective system. You will learn numerous tips and tricks throughout the course to make it very practical and relevant to your applications.


  • Environmental managers, engineers and environmental professionals
  • Operations, maintenance, inspection and project managers, supervisors and engineers
  • Plant, Mechanical, Maintenance and Design engineers, technicians and staff
  • Municipal planners & engineers
  • Laboratory Staff
  • Anyone responsible for managing and operating sewage treatment facilities
  • Anyone involved with making decisions about the discharge of any industrial pollutants into water should attend this course.  The course provides the tools needed to determine compliance with the requirements of their job.  The course is designed for industrial wastewater compliance managers and supervisors


Day 1

Registration and Coffee

Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Method

Wastewater Sampling and Testing

• Selected parameters in wastewater treatment
• pH, DO, T
• Suspended solids
• Fat, oil and grease (FOG)
• Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
• Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and ammonia
• Total phosphorous
• Nitrate and nitrite
• Residual chlorine
• Sampling and testing for small plants

Industrial Wastewater Treatment - Pretreatment and Primary Treatment
• Microbiology fundamentals in wastewater treatment
• Pretreatment : equalization flow, pH
• Primary treatment: solids removal

Industrial Wastewater Treatment - Secondary Treatment
• Bioreactors
• Aeration concepts and types of aerators
• Types of treatment processes: activated sludge treatment, rotating biological contactors and trickling filters, fluidized bed bioreactors
• Rudimentary technologies: septic tanks and lagoons/stabilization ponds



Day 2

Industrial Wastewater Treatment - Tertiary Treatment
• Biological nutrient removal
• Nitrogen removal
• Phosphorus removal: chemical phosphorous removal , coagulation and flocculation concepts, biological phosphorous removal
• Filtration fundamentals
• Membranes
• Disinfection fundamentals

Advanced Wastewater Treatment - Reverse Osmosis (RO)
• Applications of membrane technologies
• RO principles
• RO applications

Advanced Wastewater Treatment - Ion Exchange
• Ion exchange principles
• Ion exchange applications
• Ion exchange issues
Advanced Wastewater Treatment – Advanced Oxidation

• The case of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in wastewater



Day 3

Advanced Wastewater Treatment – Disinfection Processes
• Chlorination
• Ozonation
• Membranes as pathogen removers
• Ultraviolet and peroxide/ultraviolet processing

Sludge Treatment
• Aerobic treatment (ATAD processes)
• Anaerobic digestion

Characteristics of Effluents
• Chlorine/ammonia discharge requirements

Discharge into Receiving Systems
• Potential impacts of effluent discharge into receiving water bodies

Infraguide Best Practices



Day 4

Practical Exercises Related to Centralized and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants
• Conventional wastewater treatment
• Advanced wastewater treatment


Day 5

Environmental Management of Industrial Waste Water Treatment

·         Introduction to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and what it can and cannot do

·         The elements of ISO 14001 and its relationship with ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)

·         Some typical Hazardous Waste Regulations and the need for harmonization

·         Life Cycle Management of Industrial Waste Water treatment

·         The importance of documentation in Waste Water treatment



Pre & Post Tests will be conducted

Case Studies, Group Exercises, Group Discussions, Last Day Review & Assessments will be carried out.




Define Management Consultancy & Training Certificate of course completion will be issued to all attendees.


A highly interactive combination of lecture and discussion sessions will be managed to maximize the amount and quality of information, knowledge and experience transfer. The sessions will start by raising the most relevant questions, and motivate everybody finding the right answers. The attendants will also be encouraged to raise more of their own questions and to share developing the right answers using their own analysis and experience.


All attendees receive a course manual as a reference.


This interactive training workshop includes the following training methodologies

30% Lectures

30% Workshops and work presentation

20% Group Work& Practical Exercises

20% Videos& General Discussions

$5,500 per participant for Public Training includes Materials/Handouts, tea/coffee breaks, refreshments & Lunch

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